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Strobe/Rapid Edits

A video editing technique that I wanted my Year 11's to practice was a strobe edit. This type of edit is used a lot in the creation of movie trailers (which is the project they are currently working on) and is often synchronised with music and sound effects. The effect is basically an action shot of some type where the clip rapidly flashes on and off to black giving a strobe like effect. As the action of the shot increases, the strobe effect gets faster and the sound effects and music get louder and higher.

First of all i will include some student examples followed by my take on how to make one.

Here is the first student example

As well as learning the editing technique it was also a good lesson to show how the use of sound effects and music adds a lot to the emotional impact of video.

The next example was from a student who went above and beyond with the technique resulting in a very powerful and emotionally driven video clip

Another example from one of my Year 10 students who I showed the technique to

Here is another student take on the effect which is quite unique and very quirky

Here is my video tutorial of how I showed the students how to create it. My example is by no means refined but it was enough to give my awesome Year 11's and anyone who is comfortable using Adobe Premiere Pro an idea of how to create the effect.

Note: the video isn't a step by step tutorial as such, but more of an overview of what to do


© 2017 by John Conomos. 

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