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Continuity Film Making and Editing

In this series of lessons I had with my Year 10 Multimedia students we did an exercise on continuity film making and editing. Continuity editing is a technique used by film makers in where you film the action from two or three different shot sizes. The actors performance is recreated exactly the same each time it is filmed. When editing, this allows us to cut seamlessly between shots. We discussed that this was a production technique that they could use to make their videos look more cinematic.

We used the worksheets and storyboards from the "Lesson Bucket" website which has excellent resources about film production for high school students. The activity we did was called "The TImetable".

The students got into small groups and we went through the storyboards as a class. The groups then went outside and began filming their shots. They soon organised themselves into roles such as cameraman, director and actor.

Once we finished shooting the scenes, we went back into the classroom where we started cutting the footage together in Adobe Premiere Pro. The students followed the storyboards while editing to know what shots to insert and where. Below is a video from one of my students which shows how he cut the footage together.

Thanks Coby :)


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