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Logo Design

My brand new year 11's began their two year journey of creativity with one of the more challenging Adobe Programs, Adobe Illustrator.

The task was to design and create a personal logo and they had one week to complete it (4 lessons).

First of all we discussed what a logo is and its function. We also discussed the difference between a vector and bitmap graphic and why we would use one type of graphic over the other in relation to logo design. Then we looked at and discussed a few famous examples.

I then introduced the students to Adobe Illustrator and I was really amazed by how quickly they picked up the basic concepts of drawing with shapes and using strokes and fills. Below are the video tutorials that I got them to complete to start the week to get them comfortable in the program.

The next lesson I got them to jump into google images to do a little research of existing logo designs. They had to present two logos that they would base their own logo designs around. One of the logos that they had to research needed to be of the style of graphic that they would like to do something similar.The second logo presented as research had to be based on its text layout and style. Once they had decided, they then had to do a pencil sketch of their design based on their research. I kept stressing to keep their designs as simple and minimal as possible as Illustrator is a challenging program for beginners (and myself!).

They ended up creating some really neat personal logos and I have included a few in the slideshow below along with their original concept sketches. Great work year 11!!!!!!


© 2017 by John Conomos. 

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